Chestnutwold – Big Umbrella Program (Empowerment Grant)
Upon completion, grant will increase a sense of belonging at Chestnutwold through a series of thematic activities centered around the concept and book “The Big Umbrella” by Amy June and Juniper Bates. Multiple ongoing innovative approaches will be utilized in interdisciplinary instruction, student well-being, and inclusion/belonging at the school to encourage all students to be the “best version of themselves.”
Heart Monitors (Empowerment Grant)
HMS health and physical education departments used this grant to explore ongoing brain-body research revealing that heart rate is the most effective biomarker for both physical and emotional feedback. The grant supplied two class sets (a total of 68) of wrist wearable heart rate monitors to use in health and physical education classes. Students evaluated heart rate data and were able to email data and feedback to students, teachers, and parents.
MTSS – Book Room
During MTSS instructional time, students need access high quality literature to promote vocabulary and comprehension. We are requesting funds in order to purchase books for students to use during their MTSS ELA block.
Coopertown Book Room – MTSS Materials
The purpose of this funding is to supply our teachers and students in grades 1 – 5 with books that they will use to progress their reading development during the MTSS block.
Manoa Student Clubs
The funds would be used to purchase supplies for student clubs providing us the opportunity to offer various clubs and other after school activities. We’d like to provide these free of cost for our families.
HMS Art Department – Creating “Out of the Box”
The Haverford Middle School art department strives to provide students with opportunities to create and utilize problem-solving skills. We are looking to purchase a class sets of cardboard sculpture tools, electric scissors, and kid-safe corrugated cardboard cutters. These low-tech and high-tech tools will allow students to sculpt and create structures using cardboard. Cardboard is a plentiful and free resource in and around the district. This generation of students are passionate about upcycling and reusing to help the environment.
HHS CPR Certification Courses
Our club is in search of applying for a grant on behalf of the school district of Haverford that would help provide us with $2500 to cover the cost of two CPR Manikins with Feedback device kits (Comes with 2 adult mannequins, 2 infant mannequins, and 2 AEDS per set: $1740 total), Bag Valve Masks ($99.95), Noelles Certification ($240), BLS Course Video, and instructor certification to allow for more classes to take place($240). This would come out to be $2312.50 in total. The remaining money in the grant in addition to fundraising would go towards the other materials needed for this course to ensure a reasonable price for all students.
Ready to pet pals for life
Read to Pet Pals is a program run by Pals for Life in Devon, PA. This program brings animals and children together in a safe, fun environment to practice reading skills and learn more about pets. During the 1-hour session, students would learn about pets and how to interact with them. The readers rotate to several pets and take turns reading to each of them. Animals are non-judgmental which makes this program ideal for young readers.
Augmented Reality Sandbox
Purchase of augmented reality sandbox including dedicated projector, adapters, and all related materials for Earth Science and AP Physics class instruction.
Strengthen Students CORE through play
Students who are complex learners may use multimodal communication including Augmentative Alternative Communication systems [AAC], gestures, symbols, signs, vocalizations, facial expressions, and/or natural speech to communicate. This makes playground play challenging as their hands are not free, and it may not always be safe to wear the devices while playing on the equipment. The Haverford speech-language pathologists [SLPs] would like to Strengthen Students’ *CORE* Through Play by installing playground core vocabulary boards on each elementary school playground in the district.
Create a “Makerspace” in a 2nd grade classroom. Create a space where students can have purposeful play, be creative, explore engineering, and have hands on opportunities. They will be able to discover, build, assemble, problem solve, test and explore.
Diversity Library
Build a resource library for faculty focused on topics of equity, inclusion and diversity.
Best Buddies Music
I would like to add acoustic mallet percussion Orff instruments to the Best Buddies Music curriculum. Students will perform a variety of songs and arrangements using these quality mallet instruments.
Independent Book Clubs
This project will serve the 80-ish students that I teach each year. The students in my class were hungry to have more options for reading with friends, like adult book clubs. We have used the library many times for this, but there are just a few titles that have 2 or more books. This grant will enable members of the club to read books at the same time.
Engineering and Coding an Arcade to Enhance Classroom Instruction
With the help of the mathematics, science, and technology departments, our project will allow the students to learn how to build their own games and play them on the arcade machines they build.
We have been doing chemistry demonstrations and activities at the high school since Discover Day’s inception. I’d like to grow the chemistry component to the day and expand the variety of demonstrations.
Music in English Classes
I incorporate a lot of music in my English classes. Music and literature have many affinities– lyrics, rhythm, mood, and tone especially. We also have fun by writing our own songs or just having a sing-along for some community building. I have a guitar in my classroom, but I would love to be able to bring piano accompaniment into our activities. My students also play (better than I can), so the kids get to share their talents and musical interests with the class. We often visit Life Skills classes to join us for sing-along and community building.
Leadership Mentor Program
The mentorship program is a collaboration between Haverford High School and Coopertown Elementary. Our program is confirmed to move to Lynnewood Elementary next year so we can carry out our program’s goals of encouraging the growth of communication, leadership, and goal-setting skills.
Robotics Club Grant
Provide funding for the HHS Robotics team to build more complex and a larger quantity of robots that can be used to advance the skills of club members and to compete in state and national contests against other schools.
Lynnewood Little Free Library
Order and install (with the help of HTSD facilities) a permanent “little free library” for the benefit of students and residents in the Lynnewood neighborhood.
HHS Solar Telescope
Purchase of solar telescope for class and club instruction/use.
Haverford Social Media Group
Purchase of three Logitech Mevo Start Cameras and broadcasting software to benefit HHS sporting events and other district-wide events. (note: can also connect with sponsor Jeff Masino, HHS technology coordinator)
Chestnutwold swings & ADA swing
Purchase of swings, including ADA compliant swing.
8th grade active seating
Active seating furniture for use in classroom.
MTSS Reading Library
High interest reading materials for use in MTSS instructional period.
USA & World Map Puzzles
Class set of durable wooden USA and world map puzzles that can be used throughout the school year by our second-grade students.
HHS – Raised Bed Dye Garden
A high school art teacher utilized a grant to build a raised bed dye garden in front of the HHS art wing to grow plants used for dyeing fabric, paper, and yarn, and to make historic and cultural connections to the process by which dye is processed. The plant beds are also used as pollinator gardens for students to plant wildflowers in the summer months.
BIPOC book drive
The Education Foundation supported the BIPOC Parents of Haverford Township’s community-wide book drive to provide authors and stories written by and featuring racially diverse characters and settings for students to see themselves–and others– in their classroom and library readings. Books were purchased from Harriett’s, a Black-woman owned independent bookstore in Fishtown, and shared with all district schools.
Chestnutwold – Supplemental MTSS books for 3-5th grade students
Reading specialists at Chestnutwold used funds to enhance 3rd to 5th grade classroom libraries for use during a new instructional period.
Chestnutwold – Kidpower presentations
The Chestnutwold PTO sponsored Kidpower– a national organization that educates children with the knowledge and skills to prevent bullying, prejudice, and other unsafe situations– to visit all kindergarten and first grade classrooms.
HMS – Girls Lead program
A parent at HMS connected the school with the Women’s Resource Center to launch Girls Lead, a 12 week afterschool program for middle school girls who are selected as having promising, ‘untapped’ leadership potential.
BASIS Program (Empowerment Grant) – Grant supported a district-wide program to develop, maintain and enhance programs, materials, events and staff/student training to create an affirming and supportive learning environment for all members of the HTSD.
Chatham – Outdoor PE Learning (Empowerment Grant) – The goal of the grant is to enhance the outdoor PE capabilities at Chatham Park by having a large portion of the school parking lot professionally painted with diverse skill physical education games.
Stem Grant (Empowerment Grant) – This grant was provided to the HHS science department to purchase equipment and add a maker space to include a 3D printer, laser cutter, and project storage.
Fifth Grade Legacy
Chatham Park’s Fifth Grade Legacy Project is a mural. Students collaborated with a professional artist to create a lasting gift to their school.
Freshwater Aquarium at HMS
With this grant, students and staff established a freshwater aquarium to enhance the 8th grade science curriculum through direct exposure to freshwater life. Students will get a first-hand look at what they have read about in science textbooks.
STEAM-Powered Mobile App Design
The HTSDEF funded the purchase of hardware and software to allow students to create digital illustrations within the HHS Mobile App course.
Moving Minds at HMS
Flexible seating options in an HMS classroom increased productivity, physical health, comfort, community, sensory input, and fun.
Chatham Park – Flexible Seating for the ELA classroom
Fifth grade teachers at Chatham Park created communal workspaces with flexible seating for all of their classrooms.
HHS – Pedal Power Charging Station
HHS students from the Applied Physics course created a pedal-powered electronic device charging station as a creative way to solve an everyday problem by applying their classroom knowledge in the real world.
HMS – Mindfulness Center
HMS created a mindfulness center in its counseling suite to provide students with an accessible calming space during the school day.
Chatham Park – Flexible seating for 1st grade classrooms
PAWS for Reading
The PAWS for Reading Program mini-grant at Lynnewood Elementary is a yearlong program designed to help children improve reading skills by reading aloud to a registered therapy dog. Children read for 15 minutes in a relaxed, one-on-one session with a lovable dog. The therapy teams read with the same students when they visit every other week to build a strong reading relationship.
Discover Day
An HTSDEF mini-grant partnership with the Haverford High School Science Academy provided support for the Second Annual Discover Day for elementary age students on November 3, 2018. Hundreds of school district families attended this free and very successful day of hands-on science discovery events, which included an inflatable planetarium, physics and chemistry demonstrations, playtime with robots and drones, painting with maggots, live animals, and more!
Breakout EDU
The Breakout EDU mini-grant awarded to HHS is the educational version of “Escape the Room.” The games require the same high interest ways to get students involved by using critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills to solve problems and break out!
Lynnewood – Social-Emotional Development and Outdoor Learning (Empowerment Grant)
This grant provided staff training, facilities and materials in social-emotional learning with the goal of better support for students’ social and emotional learning.
Standing Desks
At Chatham Park and Chestnutwold, students who receive supplemental learning support will now have standing desks to accommodate their unique learning needs.
Mindful School
Five Lynnewood teachers attended “Mindful School” with the goal of enhancing their Responsive Classroom initiative.
Active Seating to Enhance Active Learning
The second grade classes at Coopertown got active seating options in their classrooms.
Q-Ball Microphones
HMS purchased Q-Ball microphones to enhance student voices in the classroom and the auditorium.
Shakespeare Artists in Residence
Grant funds provided Shakespeare Theater Artists in Residence at HHS to enhance the study of Shakespeare plays in both senior English and Shakespeare elective classes.
Spiral Wishing Well
A new Spiral Wishing Well was purchased and used at Discover Day and in IPS & AP Physics classrooms as an example of circular motion and rotation dynamics.
Classroom Engineering and Architectural Drafting Tools
Students in the STEM Physics class at HHS use new engineering and architectural drafting supplies to design blueprints of and then create, test, modify, then retest their own prototypes of cars, radios, planes, bridges, and alternative energy sources. Many of these students then use the innovations they have learned from this STEM class in other classes or clubs like Science Olympiad and Robotics.
Full STEAM Ahead with Ozobot Bit
The Ozobot Bit is a miniature robotic device that encourages student participation in computer science, coding, and STEAM activities. During the after-school robotics club at Chatham Park, students created OzoCodes to facilitate the movement of the robot through user-generated mazes and challenges. After an initial introduction to coding, students begin devising line-based programming with Ozobot and progress to building code commands with the block-like interface of OzoBlockly. Once students have mastered color codes and blocks, they advance to creating their own coding pathways. Ozobot Bit also fosters problem-solving skills and collaborative innovations.
Random Acts of Science
To expand learning even into the hallways, some display cases at HHS received interactive science exhibits with buttons on the outside of the glass that make things happen! Buttons may cause an object to fall and start a chain reaction … or turn on a pump that fills a container with water or ultraviolet light to demonstrate a scientific principal. With each of these events, students can predict an outcome then actually test that prediction. These interactive demonstrations are changed regularly to keep students thinking about science while outside the classroom.
Ready, Set, Program! Learning with Blue-Bots
Lynnewood students learn programming with Blue-Bots – small robots children can program and control from a tablet, a PC, or a TacTile Reader. Blue-Bots teach children sequencing, directionality, problem-solving, counting, and estimation. They are a fantastic way to build the students’ STEM skills while also having fun. The possibilities of how to use these robots to enhance the curriculum are endless.
Full STEAM Ahead at Chestnutwold
Full STEAM Ahead adds science, technology, engineering, art, and math activities at each grade level at the Chestnutwold Elementary School. Staff members choose one, unifying STEAM theme for the year and each grade level participates in four to five projects related to the theme. The themed projects become real with a 3D printer purchased as part of the grant. Full STEAM Ahead is a cooperative grant requested by three teachers at Chestnutwold.
Haverford Jazz Residency
The Jazz Artist-in-Residence visits the school district for eight days from December through March, working closely with the students and directors of the music department’s five jazz ensembles at HMS and HHS. During each visit, the musician works with jazz students in rehearsals, private lessons, and sectionals. The artist also performs at an assembly for the student body at HMS, HHS, and at least one district elementary school. The residency concluded with the Evening of Jazz on March 3, 2017.
How to Build A Storm at Lynnewood
The Franklin Institute brought its “How to Build a Storm” show to Lynnewood at the end of the weather unit for all 98 first graders. They learned and saw the water cycle, thermodynamics, air masses, and fronts in the unit and during this live demonstration of weather concepts in action.
Simple & Powered Machines
Lynnewood Elementary purchased the Simple and Powered Machines Classroom Pack by Lego to allow fourth and fifth graders to participate in an afterschool club to design, engineer, test, and modify more than 14 different simple (and not-so-simple!) machines. Fifth grade students begin the Motion and Design Science unit in the spring (as per the district curriculum) and the club will dovetail nicely with classroom learning activities. Fourth grade club members are introduced to the work they will do the following year.
“Water” You Good For?
Science teachers and students at HHS found out exactly what a BRS 6-stage Universal Water Saver Plus RO/DI System is good for across the science curriculum. They were able to purify water in school for all experiments. The grant applicant, for example, needs purified water for a reef aquarium being installed in a science classroom at HHS. Just as the residents of Flint, Michigan could not drink the local water due to containments, many organisms will not survive in water containing elevated levels of chlorine and chloramines.
Chestnutwold Classroom Economy
Students learn valuable life and math skills from their own classroom economy. Designed to model real-world economic activity, students earn a weekly salary from classroom jobs, budget money, make spending decisions, and balance personal checking accounts. They use a decision-making model to make consumer decisions and learn the importance of saving money. In addition, the classroom economy will be the basis for lessons on consumer behavior and the effects of supply and demand and inflation on an economy. They also learn to use Excel software to track personal spending and economic trends. The Chestnutwold classroom economy also will be woven into the social studies and math curriculum.
Inquiry-based “Coral-ation”
Science teachers and students at HHS designed, stocked, and maintained a marine-reef aquarium. The marine reef aquarium is not a fish tank of the past but a technically driven, scientific endeavor that will provide limitless opportunities for inquiry-based learning. From engineering the filtration system, water circulation, and lighting in the tank to the chemistry of water quality to the biology of the livestock chosen, students have hands-on opportunities to apply scientific principles to sustain life in the reef for years to come.
National Science Honor Society Coming to HHS
To encourage and develop scientific literacy and excitement, HHS started a chapter of the National Science Honor Society. In the first year, this student-run group reached out to area colleges, universities, and professional organizations to invite guest speakers to the high school to speak about science, technology, and engineering. In the future, the society will sponsor events such as a Maker Fair or Invention Convention to work with elementary and middle school students during a day of lectures and demonstrations and workshops to create inventions.
After School Clubs (Empowerment Grant) – Thai grant increased student engagement and expanded technology access for HMS students. All students received access to technology and after-school programs, to create new and enrich existing programs, including things like: Cooking & Sewing Club, Keyboarding Club, Girl’s Choir, Community Club, and Reading Olympics. The grant incorporated iPad technology into the 8th-grade science and foreign language classes.
Active Bodies, Active Minds in Primary Learning Support Classroom, Coopertown
HTSDEF helped teachers to provide different seating choices in their classrooms which helped special needs students to better engage in classroom lessons.
These Boots are Made for Learning, HHS
HTSDEF provided 30 pairs of rubber boots allowing students to “comfortably” research the freshwater ecosystems at Karakung Creek. These boots permit students to safely enter the water of the ecosystem and observe the ecological interactions among species first-hand.
Improving the Water Distillation System, HHS
A water distillation station is used by both chemistry and biology departments to prepare for daily classroom experiments. Currently, funds are allocated to purchase distilled water in gallon aliquots. Distillation done on site will not only save money but add a level of convenience for both faculty and students. More than 400 students in these courses will benefit.
Wireless Projector for Visually Supporting Student Engagement, HHS
HTSDEF funded the purchase of a wireless projector for the itinerant Speech and Language teacher to help increase the understanding of language, environmental expectations, and to provide structure and support for individuals with special needs. Students will be engaged in multisensory learning and teamwork – a skill high school students will need as they enter the world of volunteerism or supported employment in a few years.
Visually Supporting Student Engagement using a Document Camera, HHS
A document camera allows groups of students to view each other’s work and comment on it to develop positive thinking as well as self and group editing.
Inclusion of a 3-D Printer in Science Studies
The 3-D printer brings essential topics literally to life in Anatomy & Physiology when students are able to create and hold the life-size bones of middle ear as well the muscles of a human face and arm. With a 3-D printer, the HHS science department is able to maintain five Disarticulated plastic skeletons – an important part of the Skeletal System unit in Anatomy & Physiology.
Chatham Park Elementary School “Outdoor Classroom”
Fourth and fifth-grade seminar students created an enclosed outdoor learning environment that every teacher in the school is able to use for a variety of outdoor teacher and learning opportunities. The project is an extension of the seminar’s architecture unit and offers students an opportunity to reinforce math skills, problem solving, cooperative learning, and teamwork. The grant was used to help cover the costs of landscaping fencing and a stage area.
Magnetic Letters for First Graders
Coopertown School’s first graders receive help with learning their letters and letter sounds and to reinforce word identification and spelling using their new magnetic letters. Students use the letters throughout the entire school year in small group learning centers and will be used by students for many years in the future.
Mentor and Reading Buddy Program
The goal of this program is to improve delivery of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and enhance current Chestnutwold School programs. The grant gave students the opportunity to engage in research-based, team-building activities that includes special materials and a Mindfulness Schools’ trainer from the University of Pennsylvania to cultivate and encourage meaningful connections across the school community as well as positive interactions among students and faculty.
First Grade STEM Learning Centers
Lynnewood first graders were introduced to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) through learning center activities, giving young students an opportunity to develop skills in these four areas while encouraging teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. Children learn to think like real scientists and engineers using reusable kits that will continue to be used in the classroom for years to come.
ComicCon at Haverford Middle School
Working in conjunction with the Haverford Township Free Library, the Haverford Middle School was the site of the third annual Comic Con. The goal of this family event centered on graphic arts for students of all ages with the main goal of helping to educate students in the benefits of writing and drawing through the use of comic art. This was achieved by hosting a convention floor where students drew directly with artists. In addition to the more than 20 creators we hosted, there was a range of workshops and panels aimed at discussing self-improvement in art and writing. The grant allowed the event to improve the educational quality of the panels and workshops offered.
Personal Technology (Empowerment Grant) – This grant increased the ratio to 2:1 of iPads to Lynnewood students, and enhanced the curriculum, allowed for necessary accommodations, and encouraged students to apply, create, and extend learning. A second goal of the grant funding was to provide Lynnewood students with more enrichment activities at after school clubs, and expand opportunities for students to feel connected at school.
Coopertown’s Truly Magic Garden
Students are excited about growing vegetables at Coopertown Elementary School – made possible by a grant from the HTSDEF. Coopertown School’s counselor, Marisa Woodworth was awarded a $1,000 mini-grant that allowed the school to bring an indoor, vertical gardening system into the lobby in March. The garden provides an opportunity for students to become aware of a unique method of food production and the benefits of healthy eating.
By operating on a timed grow light and water pump system, the hydroponic garden produces a bounty of fresh, high-quality produce, growing right before the students’ eyes! Currently kale, basil, sage, dill, chives, scallions, arugula, cilantro, spinach, and variety of lettuces are growing at the school.
This project has increased students’ interest in eating healthy food and vegetables. As students watch delicious produce grow right inside their school, they gain a greater awareness of the elements of a healthy diet. The garden will continue to be incorporated into the learning environment by helping students identify the need for healthy food choices, the importance of eating “living food” to stay healthy and grow strong, and the global necessity to reduce the carbon footprint.
Lynnewood Begins New Project & Enhances Technology
The Lynnewood Elementary School has been awarded a $30,000 empowerment grant to increase the number of iPads available for student use and to provide stimulating and educational after-school programming for almost all its 585 students at no charge. After soliciting ideas from nearly every Lynnewood family and all Lynnewood teachers, the committee recognized most respondents focused on these two ways to improve school life.
According to the winning application, the study of math, language arts, science, and social studies will be enhanced by the cutting-edge technology that iPads bring. The iPads also will be used by music, art, and physical education teachers.
When the after-school clubs get underway, the variety will include Learning Lab, Crafty Kids, Readers Theater Club, Coding Club, Get Movin’ (an exercise program), and Drama Club. Most importantly, these after-school clubs will be offered at no charge so all students can participate regardless of a family’s financial situation.
They’ve Got Power! Empowerment Grant Funds HHS Solar Power Project
Haverford High School’s first solar-energy learning project will shine thanks to a grant from the HTSDEF. This solar project will also generate kilowatts to offset a bit of the high school’s electrical costs. Reducing the school’s carbon footprint will become an important part of the science curriculum along with hands-on scientific research into renewable energy. The $30,000 Empowerment Grant will cover the purchase and installation costs of two arrays of solar panels.
This learning project will be integrated in the science curriculum across all grade levels. A live readout, which can be viewed from any computer in the building, will give students real-time display of energy generated from the sun all day long. Almost every science class in the school’s curriculum from the ninth-grade introductory classes to environmental science classes and Advanced Placement Physics and Biology, will use the renewable energy project.
iPads in the World Language Classroom
HMS added iPads and apps to world language classes.
Increasing Hydration and Reducing Waste
Funding for the Interact and AWARE clubs at the high school to purchase and install a water bottle refilling station.
Wireless Presenters for Sixth Grade
HMS bought technology to allows teachers to move more freely about the classroom.
Books: The Magic is Real
Manoa provided an assembly program performed by magician Joe Romano promoting literacy by making it fun and interactive.
Don’t Scrub the Inquiry … just the Dishes!
Funding to purchase and install a shared department dishwasher to safely clean scientific glassware and equipment used in science labs.
Growth of the Environmental Club
Funding aided in the growth and development of the student-run environmental club at Manoa.
The Little Listening Library
Provided Manoa and Chatham Park with digital audiobooks.
Technology in the Mathematics Classroom
HMS bought 20 additional TI-34 Multi View calculators for use in 7th grade math classes as well as an iPad for classroom use.
Tools for A STEM Classroom
The high school purchased tools required for real world projects in the new STEM class (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
Update HMS Production Studio
HMS replaced failing and inadequate equipment currently in use to improve the quality of broadcasts.
3D Printing
HMS purchased one of the first 3D printers in the district. Students will design small items that will be printed in a 3D format.
iPad in the Science Classroom
Additional iPads allowed students to engage in hands-on activities such as Project Noah for cataloging and sharing data and images on ecosystems.
TI-Nspire and Enhancing Student Learning
Enabled the teachers of the HHS’ AP Calculus BC to purchase a set of TI-Nspire calculators.
3D Printing & Video Presentations – HHS
2nd Grade Published Writers – Chatham
Girls R.U.L.E. – HMS
Haverford Jazz Residency Campaign – HHS
5th Grade -Document Camera – Chatham
Ready, Set, Parent! – Chestnutwold
Getting Up Close and Personal… – HHS
White Boards in the Classroom – HHS
Sea-ing is Believing – HHS
Chatham – Live Broadcasting Technology (Empowerment Grant) – “Chat Live!” is a live broadcasting program produced, developed, and run by students and broadcasted to all classrooms on a weekly basis.
Coopertown – Interactive Technology (Empowerment Grant) – Smartboards were introduced to classrooms and made accessible to all students. The current curriculum was enhanced by providing visual and sensory understanding of abstract concepts, and by allowing students instant access to a variety of materials on-line that they can instantly manipulate.
Lynnewood – Projector and Speaker Technology (Empowerment Grant) – The introduction of projectors and speakers in the classroom that are connected to classroom whiteboards and teachers’ computers allowed teachers to present interactive information to students.
Chestnutwold – Interactive Technology (Empowerment Grant) – Ten Smartboards were provided for grades K-3 in addition to teacher training in the use of the technology to enhance learning and improve outcomes.
Manoa – Robotics (Empowerment Grant) – The project focused on extending and enriching Manoa’s science curriculum with a focus on engineering, and is delivered through the Robotics Engineering and Enrichment (DREEM) program at Manoa.
StoryBook Gardens – Lynnewood
First Grade Literacy Centers – Lynnewood
Social Emotional Development through iPad – Coopertown
Learning Labowitz – Chestnutwold
Interactive learning with a smartboard – Manoa
Technology Focus – HHS
Using IPad to promote Literacy for at-risk kids – Coopertown
Digital Learners:The Next Generation – Coopertown
Second Grade Book Club – Coopertown
Have you filled your bucket? – Lynnewood
Interactive Learning with a Smart Board – Manoa
Middle School Robotics Club – HMS
Accomodating Written Expression – Manoa
Sensory Management – Manoa
Literacy Centers-Interactive & Differential – Manoa & Chestnutwold
Literacy Centers-Providing Hands on Learning – Chestnutwold
Using iPad to Improve Communcations Skills – HHS & Coopertown
Book Band – HMS
Manoa Garden – Manoa
One Book, One Class – HHS
Native Garden – HHS
One System Assessment – Lynnewood
Artist in Residence-Mural – Chestnutwold
Books for Everyday Math – Chestnutwold
MP3’s for Reluctant readers – Lynnewood
Audio Books for Reluctant Readers – Lynnewood
Science Olympiad – HHS
Using Real Literature – Lynnewood
Read 180 Audio Books – HMS
Reading Olympics – Manoa
Elementary School Musical – Manoa
Haverford Aware – HHS
Literacy Backpacks – Lynnewood
Fit2Learn – Coopertown
Best Buddies – HHS
Practice makes Perfect – HHS
Supplemental Vocal Library – HHS
WHHS Radio link to H-Vision /community – HHS
Artist in Residence–Labyrinth – Lynnewood
Phonological Awareness – Lynnewood
Manoa Morning News – Manoa
Author Visit by Julianna Baggot – HMS
Chestnutwold TV Station – Chestnutwold
Read Naturally Summer Reader Kits – Chestnutwold
Making Math Meaningful with Picture Books – Lynnewood
Author Visit by Dan Gutman – Chestnutwold, Lynnewood, Manoa, Coopertown, Chatham
Healthy Times – Chestnutwold
NASA Science Club – Chatham
Yoga-Kids – Lynnewood
Artist in Residence-Fabric Art – Lynnewood
Art in Classroom – Lynnewood
Club Isis – HMS
Bone Boxes – HHS
Mosaic Mural: “Spirit of Chestnutwold” – Chestnutwold
“Let the Sun Shine In!”: Composting & Solar Production – HHS
Funnersize for Kindergarten – Chestnutwold
Celebrities Read – Lynnewood/Manoa
Integrating Digital Media – HHS
Evening of Jazz – HHS
Robotics – HMS
Community Garden – Chestnutwold
How Far Did You Walk? – Chestnutwold
It IS Easy Being Green – Coopertown
Artist in Res, Photography – Lynnewood
Science Week – Manoa
Fordian—Photography instruction – HHS
Interact—Plastic recycling – HHS
Funnersize – Lynnewood, Coopertown
Life Cycle of a Plant – Lynnewood
How Plants Grow – Coopertown
Plant Propagation – Chestnutwold
Art Careers! Zoom! – HHS
Biggs and Littles – Lynnewood
Heritage Festival – HHS
Career Ed with Visiting Artists – HHS
Kindergarten Audiences – Chestnutwold,Lynnewood
Motion and Design – Coopertown
Poetry Workshop – Coopertown
Read It Forward – Lynnewood
Why Numbers Count – Coopertown
Women in History – Coopertown
Yellow Ribbon – HHS
You, too, have an absolutely true story to share – Chestnutwold
Cultural Exploration – HHS
Artist in Residence – Lynnewood
Funnersize – Chatham
Environmental Education – HHS
Reading Comprehension, 9th Grade Academy – HHS
Author Visit – HMS
I-Photo Book – Chestnutwold
Lenape Tribe Assembly & Activities – Coopertown
Spanish Assembly – HHS
Adopt a Soldier – HHS
A Picture Says 1,000 words – Coopertown/highschool
Recess Improved – Manoa
King Tut Audio Tour – Coopertown
Quiet Riot perform on conflict resolution – Coopertown
One School/One Book – Lynnewood
Author Program/Artist in Residency – Lynnewood
Family Resource Center – Lynnewood
Weather Project – Lynnewood
Recess Monitors – Chestnutwold/Oakmont
Flex Workshop-Classroom Management – HHS
French/ Philadelphia Cultural Connection – HHS
Reading Mentor – HHS
Etiquette/Manners Program – Coopertown/IU
Reading Instruction – Lynnewood
Integrated Pest Management project – HHS
Our mission: To fund innovative learning opportunities that inspire Haverford students.
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